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FM Radio: An explanation

Nowadays, the integrated FM radio tuner is regarded as a standard feature. The majority of FM radio stations that are broadcast live can be listened to by the user. Since the wired headset serves as an antenna, almost all phones with FM radio tuners require one to be attached to the device.

RDS provides basic radio station information to the majority of FM radio tuners. FM radio is free to use and does not interfere with the network carrier.

Nokia’s Visual Radio improvement improves FM radio interfaces by adding text and images as an extra information layer to regular radio broadcasts.

Through a data connection, a presentation of text and visuals synchronised with the audio programming is downloaded to the phone; the inclusion of Visual Radio has no effect on the FM broadcast chain.

The kind of content that Visual Radio may provide is as follows:

Details about the song and performer that are presently airing
View pictures of presenters or news articles

During the weather programme, a weather map
Songs playing, news, weather, and traffic alerts
Take a listen to a talk show and observe what topics have been covered thus far.
Participate in Big Brother-style crowd voting
Take part in contests live on television.
The Visual Radio improvement is only available for usage with a cellular data connection; Wi-Fi use is not supported.

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